Internal CPD credits relate to internal practice evaluation and development. One hour of activity = 1 CPD credit
What to record for your internal CPD
- Case Presentation: presenting particular patient scenarios to inform others about approaches to care/treatment.
- Chart Review: Review of patient chart(s) to examine and reflect on management to date with a view to quality improvement of practice.
- Clinical Case Discussion: discussion with another healthcare professional regarding clinical issues and approaches to a patient's treatment and care
- Clinical Club: forming a club with other GP colleagues for regular clinical case discussions
- Clinical Risk Meeting: e.g. where a GP/GP practice develop a plan to deal with seasonal epidemics
- CME Small Group meetings: participation in a CME Small Group can be recorded for 2 internal and 2 external CPD credits
- Committee Participation: these can be recorded for 1 internal CPD credit per meeting (to a maximum of six per year)
- Grand Rounds
- Locum Handover: discussing patient cases, files and updates on the practice
- PCT/HSE Meeting: A guide is available in our PCS Templates section
- Peer Review Group: where patient cases/issues/practice issues are presented to peers who provide advice and suggest alternative approaches to care and treatment.
- Practice-based Meeting: to discuss patient issues, attendance at courses & how to implement findings to improve patient care. A guide is available in our PCS Templates section.
- Practice Improvements from GPs: Please see our Practice Improvements section for more information
- Professional Development Plan (PDP): please see our Professional Development Plan section for more information.
- Quality Improvement Process: review of an approach to care/treatment, etc. and implementation of outcomes
- Significant Event Analysis: A guide is available in our PCS Templates section
Remember! If you take learning back from a meeting and make subsequent changes to your practice as a result, you can record this for internal credits.
NB: Don't forget to always retain evidence to support your recorded activities. When recording internal CPD to your ePortfolio, you will need to enter a description (minimum. 50 characters) into the description box.
Evidence includes, at a minimum, the topics reviewed/discussed, the number of people in attendance (where relevant) and any practice changes made as a result of the activity. Evidence should be added to your ePortfolio or retained on file for a minimum of six PCS years (current year and five previous).