Menopause Education for GPs

The Irish College of GPs is delighted to offer updated menopause education primarily aimed at GPs and GP Trainees, but also open to nurses and other healthcare professionals. The updated curriculum will address the latest evidence base to ensure that patient care for menopause consultations is based on the most up-to-date clinical guidelines.

Topics include:

  • Diagnosis of menopause and peri-menopause
  • Management of menopause and peri-menopause
  • Lifestyle management
  • Prescribing hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
  • Testosterone

Course Format

The course is an on-demand eLearning course that is accessible at your own convenience. It is delivered via interactive eLearning presentations with MCQs, videos from subject matter experts, and additional reading resources.

The duration is five hours approximately for all videos and MCQs.

Course Access

Access to the on-demand course is available to college Members, Professional Competence Scheme (PCS) enrolees and GP Trainees.

How to access the course

Access for members of the Irish College of GPs, professional competence scheme (PCS) enrolees and GP trainees

Access the ICGP Menopause Course

CPD and Study Leave

This course attracts 5 CPD credits and 1 day GMS study leave.

For more information, please Contact Us.

Menopause Patient Information

The Irish College of GPs has developed five short menopause information videos to give patients some general information about menopause, what it is, how it is diagnosed, and what to expect from its treatment.

Menopause Patient Videos